Scale helicopter Meeting

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

The scene meeting for scale helicopter pilots. Visit us!

RC-SL Airtow Competition

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

RC-SL competition at the model airfield Glocknerhof

RC Building Workshop

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

You build your own model airplane in wood construction.

from € 352

6th Glider Towing Days Autumn

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

Gliders and tugs meet for a joint F-tow at the Glocknerhof.

Hill Soaring Workshop Autumn

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

You will learn slope flying in four days in theory and practice.

from € 320

Aerobatic training: Gernot Bruckmann

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

Four days of aerobatic training with Gernot Bruckmann.

€ 500

RC Building Workshop Autumn

Glocknerhof Berg 43, Berg im Drautal, Carinthia, Österreich

You build your own model airplane in wood construction.

from € 352