The Glocknerhof webcams

What is the weather like? What’s going on at the Glocknerhof? Are there many guests there right now? Follow the action from home – around the clock, all year round.

Here you can find all webcams of the Glocknerhof: the hotel from different perspectives, the outdoor pool, the view into the Drau valley and a photo of the model airfield.

During the day, new photos appear every five to ten minutes. If you are shown an old photo, please refresh the page e.g. by pressing the “F5” key. If you still see an old photo, please notify us.

Time lapse: Webcam Glocknerhof:

Berg im Drautal: Hotel Glocknerhof

Off to Carinthia!

The weather suits and actually you would much rather be at the Glocknerhof now?

We have a nice place for you even at short notice!

Phone: +43 4712 721 0

Carinthia Weather App

Want a handy weather app that gives you the best weather forecast for your holidays? We recommend the “Kärnten Wetter” app (Carinthian weather app. Unlike conventional weather apps, the forecasts are based on the interpretation and weighting of several weather models by ZAMG meteorologists.